Monday, April 14, 2014

Bacon in a CAN

Yoder's canned Bacon
Usually when I purchased what I consider a specialty item like this,
I hoard it and consider it worth gold.
It's not that cheap, and besides when I can still purchase it in the store then I sometimes think it is foolish to use the storage variety.
I have heard some great reviews on this stuff and decided it was time to see taste it for myself.
So here ya have it. A can of bacon that I purchased and put on my shelf back in Feb. 2013
1st: I opened the top. Note to self...Purchase several manual can openers to keep in your storage. Why? Have you seen your storage? Those cans wont open themselves!
 Here is a peek into the can. Yep it's bacon alright. All tightly wrapped up and stuffed inside.

 Now I dare ya to try and get that roll of goodness out!.
2nd step: Open the bottom of the can so you can push it out and keep it still in one piece.
It worked perfectly!
 Here are the pieces of Cooked bacon folded neatly and wrapped up tight. This is what I was so curious to see.
My though was this. Ewe gross greasy wiggly fat. Well it is cooked and yes there is still some grease that has stayed with it in packing. But throw it in the microwave or a pan to crisp up a bit (the way I prefer mine) and you are ready to go.
What I did with all of my bacon once I opened the can...
I stuffed it in a couple of sandwich baggies and put it in the refrigerator.
I made pancakes and bacon, eggs and bacon, green salads with bacon bits, potato salad with bacon, pizza topped with bacon bits, and just whatever else I felt like having. It lasted a few weeks and was so nice to know it was there and ready to go. All I did was warm it up and pat away the grease with a paper towel.

 I Loved the ease of it all.
So glad I have several more cans!
Would I recommend this to my friends and family?

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